Part 42: Episode XL: Press the Select Button to Submit Again
Episode XL: Press the Select Button to Submit Again

Is everyone okay?

<groans> Yeah, but the back's acting up a bit again.

Ugh... My head feels like it's made of wood...
We all know it's made of muscle.
<groans> I don't think that's accurate... Though, maybe in your case...

Hee hee. They sure caught us!

Yup, they sure did!
This has not been my year.

Well, what are we going to do now?

<kicks the cell door> What can we do? Bite through these bars?
I hate to admit it. But there are some problems I can't solve with punching.

But if we do nothing, we'll all die here!
It would be a shame to outlive you all like that.
Aren't you optimistic about your chances.
I'm over 400 years old.
Psht. Yeah and I'm thirty-two years old.

Don't worry. Blanca will save us. Hmph.
Someone slowly begins descending the stairs to the party's cell block.

What, that stupid wolf?

He's smarter than you.



<repeatedly kicks the wall> Bite me, you jerks! What are you laughing at?
You just stole that comment from the big boob whip lady!

So you're finally awake?

Music: Veronica Vera ~ Her Majesty, The Queen



You made friends with the wrong people. Hmph.

Now you'll have to pay with your life. Eh, Lucia?

<points at Veronica> Don't try to scare me! You're the one who's going to regret this, Veronica.

Hmph. Just because we were students together, don't think I'll show you any pity.

Great, they both know the same techniques? Maybe we'll get lucky and she'll accidentally kill her party messing up with magic cards.
Hey, that wasn't canon. We can't talk about that incident.

<bangs on the bars> Hey, whip-lady!
Veronica marches over to Karin's cell, walks past it and whips Yuri.

Yeowch! Why'd you hit me...?! Ugh!
I didn't even do anything for once!

What? I didn't hear you.

No quips? That's what I thought.
...That's more of Yuri's thing.
<whips Yuri again> Hmph. Indeed.
Hey! C'mon! OUCH!
A bestial roar is heard in the distance.


Don't even think of escaping.


One of the guards posted outside is my cute little Oscar.
Oh c'mon. Another monster of the week? Really? Did you buy these in bulk or so
<whips Yuri> Did I say you could speak?!

Hey! Young lady, what about us? What are you going to do with us?

Hmm, l wonder...

<looks over Yuri> What... should I... do?

<nervously whimpers>

Killing you would be easy.

<walks away> But I'd rather play with you instead.

<sighs in relief>

What do you mean by "play"?
Like a wrestling exhibition match?

<whips the air> Okay, which one of you will volunteer to be my special play friend?
Like a co-commentator?
Not exactly.

If you do, I promise that I don't hurt any of your other friends.

No! Not that!

Music: In Darkness of a Labyrinth ~ Dungeon
Time for shit to get weird and uncomfortable. At this point, we're given a rather vague list of options.
> Sometimes, a man's got to stand!
> ...... (I won't look at her...)
This is a selection as to which character gets to go "play" with Veronica for the next segment of the game. If you're curious which choice is which character it is (in order):
- Yuri
- Karin
- Gepetto
- Joachim
- Lucia
Any option is fine. It only changes the dialogue we get during the next sequence. We'll take a look at the alternate scenes in another update. But as far as our canon playthrough goes, we'll pick the first option which means... tough luck Yuri. You're up to bat.
So remember in the first Shadow Hearts where Alice was captured by Dehuai and strapped to a weird Metal Gear Solid-esque electrocution torture device? Well, apparently someone liked that sequence because we're doing the exact same thing again! Only this time, successfully completing the segment won't result in the party abandoning their rescue mission to take a field trip to Hong Kong for a week.

Music: Veronica Vera ~ Her Majesty, The Queen

Well, how do you feel, now that you're awake?

My head's still spinning from that weird-smelling perfume...

Tee hee hee! You're all my slaves! Now we can spend some more quality time together!

Quality time?! What are you...?!

Ohh! Settle down! Don't you know that your queen doesn't like pathetic slaves that struggle?!

Of what? Damp dungeons and crappy mid-bosses? That's the only place I ever see yo
Veronica starts whipping Yuri.

<points at Yuri> See! If you don't listen, you'll just have to be punished!
Veronica walks over to a nearby control panel which seems to vaguely resemble a Dual Shock 2 controller merged with a comically oversized arcade stick. Veronica proceeds to tap on of the enormous buttons and...
Tap the action button to regain your strength. Don't use auto-fire or I'll know!
Veronica deactivates the machine after electrocuting Yuri for a few seconds.

What the hell are you doing, electrocuting us?! You freak!
And no! I didn't! 1 out of 10 torture experience! Did you buy this used off some crappy Asian wizard?
Tch. Language! And no. It is a custom model. I use only the best.
Veronica activates the machine again.

How about that?
The electricity is stopped again.

You seemed to enjoy that. I want you to show me how happy you are! Let's try it again, shall we?
This is my punishment for ditching Alice to sidequest in Kowloon, isn't it?
I don't know what any of that means but it's irrelevant to our... mmm.... session...
Please don't say it like that...
At this point, we're now given dialogue options to respond to Veronica for the next three rounds of torture. When I said they copied the torture sequence from the first Shadow Hearts, I meant that quite literally. Right down to the correct dialogue option being... all the first responses again. This time around there is not a lengthy bonus dungeon that was clearly meant to be a main plot destination they couldn't figure out to fit into the narrative. Instead, the reward for completing the torture correctly is an early new weapon upgrade for whichever character is selected for the sequence.
Naturally, we'll do the correct sequence... eventually. But let's see what happens if we take the alternate options first. The second dialogue options are mostly being horny on main. So let's start with that.
>I just looove those juicy red lips!
I mean, all women kind of have big juicy lips in this art style but, y'know...
Veronica reactivates the torture device.

Don't say things you don't mean! See what happens? I'll just have to reward you with more amps!

<chuckles and ends the electricity after a few seconds>

<gestures dramatically to the air> Now to increase the volts!

Huh?! You can't be serious?!
How do you even have electricity like this out here?!

<points at Yuri> What's the matter? Don't look so MISERABLE! Oh, I know! If you promise to be one of my little pets, I'll let you off easy. Well?
>I just looove those big melons!
Those are some back problem causing titties and I can't get enough.
They're perfectly well supported, thank you very much.
Well, you're already torturing me. You may as well lie to my face.
I am going to shock you again now.
Yeah, I figured...

More impudence?! Well, well. You really must be enjoying this! <deactivates the machine>

Huh?! Give it up already!
You're not even turning up the power. You're just hitting the same button every time!
Minor details!

<points at Yuri> Tee hee hee... Very well, I'll give you one last chance! Just swear your loyalty to your new queen!
> I just looove that cute tushie!
That aspect of my figure is not even properly displayed in my current coat.
Yeah, well. I'm sure you've got a great butt too...
Indeed. But that is beside the point.
You're going to shock me again now, huh?

<reactivates the machine>

It's okay! People always complain at first. It takes some time to bring them around... a lot of time!
And I am cleared to have overtime this weekend.

What are you doing?! You passed out on me?! Hmph! A terrible disappointment as a pet. I thought we could have lots more fun. Okay, who's next?
Welp. That didn't go particularly well for Yuri and we failed the torture segment. The game still progresses as normal from this point on. But...
Let's try backing up to the beginning of this segment and stick with the third dialogue choices. Which are mostly about being submissive to the villainous 1915 dominatrix. Starting with...
> Enough already...

<chuckles> Oh, did I hear you complain?! No, no! That won't do! You've got to take it with a smile!
I'll accept a pained grimace as well. Tee hee.

<gestures to the air> Now to increase the volts!
Alright, yeah let's do iergh! I mean...

Huh?! You can't be serious?!

<points at Yuri> What's the matter? Don't look so MISERABLE! Oh, I know! If you promise to be one of my little pets, I'll let you off easy. Well?
> Okay, I'll be your pet.
Sorry, Alice... I've got to go hard the other direction to get over you...
Are you talking about another woman in your queen's presence?!

<activates the machine>

<points at Yuri> Ah, so obedient! I hate that! I don't want some sissy little pet! Just grit your teeth and stand it! <deactivates the machine>
<gulp> Maybe wearing these leather pants was a mistake...

<gestures dramatically> More volts! More!

Huh?! Give it up already!
Just get back to the shocking.

<points at Yuri> Tee hee hee... Very well, I'll give you one last chance! Just swear your loyalty to your new queen!
> I'm all yours.

Tee hee. Tamed at last! Good little cutesy-wutesy! Now I'll let you off...
Woof... finally...

<turns to the torture controls> ...Or maybe not!
Wait, wh

What are you doing?! You passed out on me?! Hmph! A terrible disappointment as a pet. I thought we could have lots more fun. Okay, who's next?
Same failed outcome here.
Alright. Let's back up one final time and actually do this "right" this time. Which makes this session go much differently.
> Quit it, you sick bitch!

But never mind! That's just the kind of resistance I like!

T-thank god!
Oh, there's no god here to help you, little boy.
Yeah, no duh. I punched god out last year.

<gestures dramatically to the air> Now to increase the volts!

Huh?! You can't be serious?!

<points at Yuri> What's the matter? Don't look so MISERABLE! Oh, I know! If you promise to be one of my little pets, I'll let you off easy. Well?
> Get lost!
I'm at least a special bonus boss fight, not one of your crappy mid-boss minions.
And why are you acting like there are multiple people in here?
Don't worry about that part!

W-what do you want from us?

<gestures dramatically> More volts! More!

Huh?! Give it up already!
And that's not an answer! You dodge every question by just chewing the scenery.

<points at Yuri> Tee hee hee... Very well, I'll give you one last chance! Just swear your loyalty to your new queen!
> Get real!
I'd sooner become one of those crappy Clawed Soldiers under the big bald dweeb than Queen Titty McMidboss.

See what you say after this!
Veronica begins whipping the shit out of Yuri.


<continues whipping> There! Ha! Ha! Haaa!


<stops whipping Yuri> *pant, pant* Y-you really have some guts! Brave words, considering your position.
Veronica turns away from Yuri and chuckles to herself.

Tee hee hee! But we're having a pretty good time, aren't we? I won't let you sleep tonight! Hwa ha ha ha ha!
And with that, we have successfully completed the torture segment of Shadow Hearts: Covenant. With Yuri. Tune in next time as we see how the others fair in a similar (heavily abridged) situation. It should be... illuminating.

Video: Episode 40 Highlight Reel (Watch if you particularly feel like Yuri getting owned for 10 minutes straight.)
Veronica Vera Concept Art - The 1915 version of Lady Gaga.